Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "main" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
# TankCool
# TankCool
## Tank Kühlung
Tank Kühlung
### Adressen der verbauten Temperaturfühler:
* T1: 0x28, 0xF8, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xC2
* T2: 0x28, 0x89, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xEC
* Kühlwasser: 0x28, 0x3B, 0x58, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xF6
### Adressen der Ersatztemperaturfühler:
* 0x28, 0x70, 0x21, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xE5
### Adressen der Relais für Tanks
* Bypass: R0, Arduino Mega 22
* T1: R1, Arduino Mega 23
* T2: R2, Arduino Mega 24
* KW: R8, Arduino Mega 30
* KW_Pumpe: R8, Arduino Mega 31
@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
// First we include the libraries
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <Controllino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
// Data wire is plugged into pin 2 on the Arduino
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2
// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
// (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
DeviceAddress adT1 = { 0x28, 0xF8, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xC2 };
DeviceAddress adT2 = { 0x28, 0x89, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xEC };
DeviceAddress adKW = { 0x28, 0x3B, 0x58, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x3C, 0xF6 };
float TT1_Sp = 30.0;
float TT2_Sp = 30.0;
float TKW_Sp = 0.0;
float Hyst_Sp = 0.5;
// Hilfswerte für EEPROM schreiben
float H_TT1_Sp;
float H_TT2_Sp;
float H_TKW_Sp;
float H_Hyst_Sp;
float TT1_AV;
float TT2_AV;
float TKW_AV;
byte Act_T1;
byte Act_T2;
byte Act_KW;
byte State_Bypass = 0;
unsigned long previousMillisBypass = 0;
byte State_T1 = 0;
unsigned long previousMillisT1 = 0;
byte State_T2 = 0;
unsigned long previousMillisT2 = 0;
// Variables for Webserver
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x00, 0x09, 0x70 };
IPAddress ip(192,168,8,57);
EthernetServer server(80);
String readString;
int b_str;
int e_str;
String t1_str;
String t2_str;
float t1_float;
float t2_float;
void setup(void)
pinMode(22, OUTPUT);
pinMode(23, OUTPUT);
pinMode(24, OUTPUT);
pinMode(30, OUTPUT);
pinMode(31, OUTPUT);
// set the resolution per device
sensors.setResolution(adT1, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
sensors.setResolution(adT2, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
sensors.setResolution(adKW, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
// Ethernet Verbindung und Server starten
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
Serial.print("Server gestartet. IP: ");
// IP des Arduino-Servers ausgeben
// Get Setpoints from EEPROM
EEPROM.get(0, TT1_Sp);
EEPROM.get(4, TT2_Sp);
EEPROM.get(8, TKW_Sp);
EEPROM.get(12, Hyst_Sp);
H_TT1_Sp = TT1_Sp;
H_TT2_Sp = TT2_Sp;
H_TKW_Sp = TKW_Sp;
H_Hyst_Sp = Hyst_Sp;
void loop(void)
// Versorge Zeit
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
// Hole Temperaturen
TT1_AV = sensors.getTempC(adT1);
//TT1_AV = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
TT2_AV = sensors.getTempC(adT2);
//TT2_AV = sensors.getTempCByIndex(1);
TKW_AV = sensors.getTempC(adKW);
//TKW_AV = sensors.getTempCByIndex(2);
// Vergleiche Aktualtemperaturen mit Setpoint
// Tank 1
if (TT1_AV >= TT1_Sp + Hyst_Sp){
Act_T1 = 1;
if (TT1_AV <= TT1_Sp){
Act_T1 = 0;
if (TT2_AV >= TT2_Sp + Hyst_Sp){
Act_T2 = 1;
if (TT2_AV <= TT2_Sp){
Act_T2 = 0;
if (TKW_AV >= TKW_Sp + Hyst_Sp){
Act_KW = 1;
if (TKW_AV <= TKW_Sp){
Act_KW = 0;
// Bypass Ventil schließen, wenn T1 oder T2 offen, delay 2s
if ((Act_T1 == 1|| Act_T2 == 1) && State_Bypass == 0){
State_Bypass = 1;
previousMillisBypass = currentMillis;
if (currentMillis - previousMillisBypass >= 2000 && State_Bypass == 1) {
digitalWrite (22, HIGH);
if (Act_T1 == 0 && Act_T2 == 0){
digitalWrite (22, LOW);
State_Bypass = 0;
// Kühlung Tank 1, Ausschaltverzögerung 2s
if (Act_T1 == 1){
digitalWrite (23, HIGH);
State_T1 = 1;
if (Act_T1 == 0 && State_T1 == 1){
previousMillisT1 = currentMillis;
State_T1 = 0;
if (Act_T1 == 0 && State_T1 == 0 && currentMillis - previousMillisT1 >= 2000){
previousMillisT1 = currentMillis;
digitalWrite (23, LOW);
// Kühlung Tank 2, Ausschaltverzögerung 2s
if (Act_T2 == 1){
digitalWrite (24, HIGH);
State_T2 = 1;
if (Act_T2 == 0 && State_T2 == 1){
previousMillisT2 = currentMillis;
State_T2 = 0;
if (Act_T2 == 0 && State_T2 == 0 && currentMillis - previousMillisT2 >= 2000){
previousMillisT2 = currentMillis;
digitalWrite (24, LOW);
void webserver() {
// server.available() schaut, ob ein Client verfügbar ist und Daten
// an den Server schicken möchte. Gibt dann eine Client-Objekt zurück,
// sonst false
EthernetClient client = server.available();
// Wenn es einen Client gibt, dann...
if (client) {
Serial.println("Neuer Client");
// Jetzt solange Zeichen lesen, bis eine leere Zeile empfangen wurde
// HTTP Requests enden immer mit einer leeren Zeile
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
// Solange Client verbunden
while (client.connected()) {
// client.available() gibt die Anzahl der Zeichen zurück, die zum Lesen
// verfügbar sind
if (client.available()) {
// Ein Zeichen lesen und am seriellen Monitor ausgeben
char c =;
if (readString.length() < 100) {
//store characters to string
readString += c;
// In currentLineIsBlank merken wir uns, ob diese Zeile bisher leer war.
// Wenn die Zeile leer ist und ein Zeilenwechsel (das \n) kommt,
// dann ist die Anfrage zu Ende und wir können antworten
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
// Wertänderung T 1
b_str = readString.indexOf("T1_Sp=");
e_str = readString.indexOf(" HTTP/");
t1_str = "";
if (b_str != -1){
b_str = b_str + 6;
for (int i=b_str; i < e_str; i++){
t1_str += readString.charAt(i);
t1_float = t1_str.toFloat();
if (t1_float != 0){
TT1_Sp = t1_float;
// Wertänderung T 2
b_str = readString.indexOf("T2_Sp=");
e_str = readString.indexOf(" HTTP/");
t2_str = "";
if (b_str != -1){
b_str = b_str + 6;
for (int i=b_str; i < e_str; i++){
t2_str += readString.charAt(i);
t2_float = t2_str.toFloat();
if (t2_float != 0){
TT2_Sp = t2_float;
// Wertänderung EEPROM schreiben
b_str = readString.indexOf("EEPROM=");
if (b_str != -1){
EEPROM.get(0, H_TT1_Sp);
EEPROM.get(4, H_TT2_Sp);
EEPROM.get(8, H_TKW_Sp);
EEPROM.get(12, H_Hyst_Sp);
if (H_TT1_Sp != TT1_Sp){
EEPROM.put(0, TT1_Sp);
if (H_TT2_Sp != TT2_Sp){
EEPROM.put(4, TT2_Sp);
if (H_TKW_Sp != TKW_Sp){
EEPROM.put(8, TT1_Sp);
if (H_Hyst_Sp != Hyst_Sp){
EEPROM.put(12, Hyst_Sp);
// HTTP Header 200 an den Browser schicken
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connection: close"); // Verbindung wird nach Antwort beendet
client.println("Refresh: 60"); // Seite alle 60 Sekunden neu abfragen
// Ab hier berginnt der HTML-Code, der an den Browser geschickt wird
client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
client.println("<svg width=\"45\" height=\"52\">");
client.println(" <path");
client.println(" style=\"fill:#000000;stroke-width:0.0282222\"");
client.println(" d=\"m 19.642666,46.637223 v -2.441222 h 2.441222 2.441223 v 2.441222 2.441222 H 22.083888 19.642666 Z M 14.722747,44.17734 c -0.01043,-0.01043 -0.01897,-1.115402 -0.01897,-2.455489 V 39.285334 H 12.248444 9.793111 V 36.83 34.374667 H 7.351889 4.910667 V 29.464 24.553334 H 2.455334 0 V 19.642667 14.732 H 2.455334 4.910667 V 12.290778 9.8495558 H 7.366 9.821334 V 12.290778 14.732 H 7.366 4.910667 v 4.910667 4.910667 H 7.351889 9.793111 V 22.098 19.642667 h 2.455177 2.455178 l 0.0072,-2.448278 0.0072,-2.448278 2.462388,-0.0072 2.462389,-0.0072 v 4.910822 4.910822 h 2.441222 2.441223 v 2.441067 2.441067 l 2.462388,0.0072 2.462391,0.0072 0.007,2.462389 0.007,2.462389 h 2.44107 2.44106 V 29.464 24.553334 h -4.89651 -4.896554 V 19.642667 14.732 h 2.455333 2.455331 v 2.455334 2.455333 h 2.45534 2.45533 V 22.098 24.553334 h 2.45533 2.45534 V 19.642667 14.732 h -2.45534 -2.45533 V 12.276667 9.8213338 h -4.91082 -4.910826 l 0.0072,-2.448278 0.0072,-2.448278 4.903616,-0.0071 4.90361,-0.0071 v 2.455413 2.455413 h 2.45533 2.45533 v 2.4553332 2.455333 h 2.45534 2.45533 v 4.910667 4.910667 h -2.45523 -2.45526 l -0.007,4.903611 -0.007,4.903611 -2.46238,0.0072 -2.46239,0.0072 v 2.455178 2.455178 h -2.44114 -2.44107 l -0.007,2.448278 -0.007,2.448277 h -2.45553 -2.455333 l -0.0071,-4.903611 -0.0071,-4.903611 H 22.08398 19.642917 l -0.0071,4.903611 -0.0071,4.903611 -2.443419,0.0072 c -1.343881,0.004 -2.451956,-0.0013 -2.462389,-0.01176 z m -0.01207,-12.265062 0.0072,-2.462389 2.462388,-0.0072 2.462389,-0.0072 V 26.994401 24.553334 H 14.717889 9.793111 V 29.464 34.374667 h 2.455178 2.455179 z M 12.283722,9.8283908 9.821334,9.8209908 V 7.3658118 4.9106338 H 14.732 19.642666 V 2.4553334 0 h 2.441222 2.441223 v 2.4553334 2.4553334 h -2.441223 -2.441222 v 2.469444 2.469445 l -2.448278,-0.0069 c -1.346552,-0.0038 -3.556352,-0.01021 -4.910666,-0.01427 z\"");
client.println(" id=\"path903\" />");
client.print(" <tr>");
client.print(" <th> </th>");
client.print(" <th> Istwert </th>");
client.print(" <th> Sollwert </th>");
client.print(" </tr>");
client.print(" <tr>");
client.print(" <td>Tank 1</td>");
if (State_T1 == 1){
client.print(" <td bgcolor=#00FF00>"); client.print(TT1_AV); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>"); client.print(TT1_AV); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>"); client.print(TT1_Sp); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>");
client.print(" <form action=\"/\" method=\"get\">");
client.print(" <label for=\"fname\">Setpoint</label>");
client.print(" <input type=\"text\" id=\"T1_Sp\" name=\"T1_Sp\">");
client.print(" <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">");
client.print(" </form>");
client.print(" </td>");
client.print(" </tr>");
client.print(" <tr>");
client.print(" <td>Tank 2</td>");
if (State_T2 == 1){
client.print(" <td bgcolor=#00FF00>"); client.print(TT2_AV); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>"); client.print(TT2_AV); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>"); client.print(TT2_Sp); client.print("°C</td>");
client.print(" <td>");
client.print(" <form action=\"/\" method=\"get\">");
client.print(" <label for=\"fname\">Setpoint</label>");
client.print(" <input type=\"text\" id=\"T2_Sp\" name=\"T2_Sp\">");
client.print(" <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">");
client.print(" </form>");
client.print(" </td>");
client.print(" </tr>");
client.print(" <tr>");
client.print(" <td>Bypass</td>");
if (State_Bypass== 0){
client.print(" <td bgcolor=#00FF00></td>");
client.print(" <td></td>");
client.print(" <td></td>");
client.print(" <td></td>");
client.print(" </tr>");
client.print(" <tr>");
client.print(" <td colspan=\"4\">EEPROM");
client.print(" T1 "); client.print(H_TT1_Sp); client.print("°C");
client.print(" T2 "); client.print(H_TT2_Sp); client.print("°C");
client.print(" KW "); client.print(H_TKW_Sp); client.print("°C");
client.print(" Hyst "); client.print(H_Hyst_Sp); client.print("°C");
client.print(" </td><td>");
client.print(" <form action=\"/\" method=\"get\">");
client.print(" <input id=\"EEPROM\" name=\"EEPROM\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">");
client.print(" </form>");
client.print(" </td>");
client.print(" </tr>");
if (c == '\n') {
// Zeilenwechsel, also currentLineIsBlack erstmal auf True setzen
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
// Zeile enthält Zeichen, also currentLineIsBlack auf False setzen
currentLineIsBlank = false;
// Kleine Pause
// Verbindung schliessen
//clearing string for next read
Serial.println("Verbindung mit Client beendet.");
Reference in a new issue